15 document(en) met "Between’"

Steve Paxton in camera obscura • 3 mei 1985
wandelen als "a range of nondance movement, a variety of non-hierarchical structures, relaxed and authoritative… a sympathetic link between performers and spectators," zie je hier vooral veel hard lopen en

Bij S/M/L/XL: het interieur zonder eigenschappen als... • 1 januari 1997
place of weak and distended sensations, far and between emotions, discrete and mysterious like a large space lit by a bedlamp

Tintelende performance van twee dansers • 25 januari 1997
Between L... van Itzik Galili opent

Rosas In The Nineties: The Gesamtwerk as... • 1 november 1997
result of this was a very complexly composed piece, unravelled into countless motifs of movement and sound, which in one stroke mapped out the whole ten-year gap between the two works...way, there arises between the various new works and the revivals of older works a fine web of subtle distinctions and amendments, structured like and unconscious memory: a mysterious continent where

Et si nous arrêtions de nous contempler... • 1 januari 1998
ABSTRACT From the end of the period between the wars, Brussels, the only metropolis in Belgium, underwent a harsh and poorly-considered modernisation into a commercial city, at the expense

En als we nu eens niet meer... • 1 januari 1998
ABSTRACT From the end of the period between the wars, Brussels, the only metropolis in Belgium, underwent a harsh and poorly-considered modernisation into a commercial city, at the expense

Perspectives after P.A.R.T.S. the first generation • 1 januari 1999
Opportunities for performing are few and far between, particularly in Brussels, with its very high concentration of young dancers and choreographers...premise of the programme is that the student him- or herself is responsible for discovering the connection between diverse approaches, that study is a creative process that involves learning from many...between he also performed a role in a film by Dorothée Van den Berghe

De kijker, de acteur, het stuk, de... • 1 juni 2000
other forms of architecture, there is a relationship between conscious, articulate design and good functioning, but as for theatres, the problem of design cannot start logically...science of theatre-building must come from what it is that brings about the most vivid relationship between people

Rosas celebrates its twentieth anniversary • 1 januari 2001
Fase for instance introduced a very specific relationship between music and dance in her oeuvre...Although the dance does not illustrate Steve Reich's music, there is a very intimate bond between the two through the structural analogy between the musical composition and the choreographic writing...September and October 2001 saw the repeat performance of four recent creations, which are all about the relationship between text, music and dance

In de voetsporen van de meester • 9 mei 2001
deze voorstelling zet Noiret ook de experimenten met interactieve technologie voort die zij reeds aanvatte in haar vorige voorstelling ‘In Between’. Niet alleen gebruikt ze die nu om de ruimte op

Verwarrend helder • 24 oktober 2001
willen alles in een in-between-staat houden

Seething cauldron -- dance in Brussels • 1 januari 2002
Now, the tone is set by artists such as Jérôme Bel, Boris Charmatz, Xavier Leroy, Thomas Plischke, Vincent Dunoyer and, of course, Meg Stuart, who is an important bridge between the two generations

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker • 1 januari 2002
Her alteration between pure, almost mathematical dance compositions and more expressionist, theatrical works is a process of illuminating the same basic material in different ways: through...implicit content of her Company Rosas' work is the relationship between performer and spectator...thematic thread running through a number of her productions, which look at the relationship between language, music and dance, is the tension between maintaining an independent concept of character

Het lichaam in beeld en beweging • 13 maart 2002
Het evenement wordt ondersteund met de publicatie van het boek Tussen beeld en beweging / Between image and movement, dat in vier korte essays de relaties tussen dans en beeldende kunst aan een nader

Aantekeningen van een dramaturg • 20 maart 2002
Balletmeester Christiane Latré verricht hier vaak wonderen als go-between tussen Fabres verzuchtingen, die zelden in precieze passen geformuleerd worden, en de zeer concrete vragen van de dansers